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About the Library



Thank you for your interest in joining our team at Max Chambers Library at the University of Central Oklahoma (UCO).

Visit the Careers at UCO page for more information on working at UCO and use the button below to view all current job openings at the University.

UCO Job Openings

Professional Staff Openings

No openings at this time

Student Staff Openings

Internship Opportunities

Interning at Chambers Library provides an opportunity to enhance knowledge and strengthen career possibilities. Students currently pursuing their MLIS are encouraged to consider applying, and all internships are eligible for academic credit.

Metadata & Cataloging Internship

This internship is designed to familiarize students with concepts and tools relating to cataloging and provide real-world, hands-on experiences in creating and editing bibliographic metadata. An internship with M&C provides an opportunity to enhance knowledge and strengthen career possibilities, whether the student is interested in specializing in metadata and cataloging work or in broadening overall library experience. 

Completion of this internship includes a digital badge from Credly.

How to Apply

Applications are rolling, with the expectation that internships for course credit will align with the student’s upcoming summer, fall, or spring semester.

All applications must include:

  • UCO unpaid internship form (see below)
  • resume
  • letter of interest