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APA Running Header

Need help formatting that running header? See this step-by-step guide or watch the how-to video!

It is important to cite your sources. If an idea, fact, or concept within your paper is not yours, make an acknowledgement using a citation. Different sources (books, articles, book chapters, etc.) are cited differently.

Citations not only protect you from plagiarism, they allow the reader to further explore your topic and show you are a more reliable, educated author.


These resources can help you with your citations and references:


APA Style Guide - Our in-house guide for all things APA.

APA Quick Guide – this handout has basic information on citing resources in APA format.

OWL (Online Writing Lab at Purdue) - Offers examples of citing sources and other helpful information for writing academic papers.

KnightCite is an example of web sources you can use to help format your reference or bibliography page. It should be used only as a guide because they may not be 100% accurate. Always check your entries against the manual.

Zotero [zoh-TAIR-oh] is a free, easy-to-use Firefox extension to help you collect, manage, and cite your research sources. It lives right where you do your work—in the web browser itself.

The full book version of the APA Style Manual is available for check-out at the library's information desk.