You will not use a book as a source for this project!
However, books can have "magical breadcrumbs" to empirical studies in their references. If you have a very narrow topic, you may need to rely on books to help find additional sources.
WorldCat searches the catalog records of libraries across the globe. Records include many formats: books, serial titles, DVDs, CDs, conference proceedings, and maps.
Find full-text ebooks and previews of books online by searching Google.
Interlibrary Loan
Need a book that we don't have? You can request it through the ILL (Interlibrary Loan) system. Gather all the information you can about the book (title, author, publisher, etc.) and submit a request using the link below. If we can get it, you'll have it in about a week.
Browsing can familiarize you with the scope of your subject area. Click on the associated topic to browse the results of a keyword search for books on that topic. The Book Collection is on the 3rd floor of the library. This map will help you find the call number you are looking for.