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Friends of the Library


About Friends of the Library

Friends of the Library (FOL) is a membership-based organization founded in 2003 that supports the Chambers Library and its mission to serve as the intellectual and cultural hub of the UCO campus. This is accomplished through contributions, gifts, and fundraisers that help fund library programs, activities, collections, and resources. 

Newsletter   Book Sales   Grants & Contests

With support from our members, Friends helps to strengthen the Chambers Library by:

  • Expanding collections through gifts and faculty grants
  • Sponsoring activities that enhance the cultural and academic life of the campus
  • Creating awareness for specific needs and resources in the Library
  • Functioning as an advocate for the Library to the community we serve
  • Encouraging student creativity through contests and other activities
  • Building collaborations on campus and in the wider community

Become a Friend of the Chambers Library

Board Members

In addition to general memberships, the Friends has a board made up of University faculty, staff, and community members that serves an advisory role supporting valuable initiatives within the Chambers Library. 



Vice-President/President Elect



Alireza Aghaey, PhD
Sunshine Cowan, PhD
Randal Ice, EdD
Bill Radke, PhD
Linda Sealey, PhD
Suzanne Silvester
Michael Springer, PhD
Gary Steward, PhD

Contact Us

Chambers Library Advancement & Communications
Phone: (405) 974-2870