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Library Services for Faculty


Ordering Library Materials

General Information

If you have questions about ordering materials, contact Kirsten Davis at or (405) 974-2901.

All faculty requests for library materials should be sent to the Departmental Faculty Library Liaison in priority order. Librarians will check Central Search for duplicate titles submitting requests to Acquisitions. If an order is a duplicate, the liaison will contact you and ask if you would like a second copy. If not, that title will not be ordered.

The library will order hardback and trade paperback books, but will not order mass market paperbacks. Please keep this in mind when requesting titles.

All price quotes are subject to change. If the Acquisitions staff knows that a title is expected to cost $30 over the anticipated price (not including shipping/handling costs), the librarian will be contacted to authorize purchase of that item.

RUSH orders should be limited to materials that need to be ordered and placed on Reserve for class use.

Ordering Deadlines

Half your departmental funds should be spent by early November and half spent by mid-March (see the Materials Budget page for exact deadlines). 

Librarians will send reminders about ordering deadlines. Orders are normally processed on a first received - first processed basis. If an order is delayed or cannot be filled, Acquisitions will send a notice to the appropriate librarian, who will forward it to the Departmental Faculty Library Liaison.

Ordering Periodicals

Faculty ordering periodicals should bear in mind that the cost of periodicals is skyrocketing and that every dollar spent on new periodical subscriptions commits the library to carry that title ad infinitum. All new periodical requests should be weighed very carefully in relation to present and future cost, use, and demonstrable need.