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Library Digital Initiatives


Digitization Projects

A key task of the Digital Initiatives Working Group is to report on the digitization activities happening in the library and in conjunction with other campus entities. If your department is interested in partnering with the library, please see Submit Collection for Review for how to submit a proposal for the library to review and make a determination.

Herland Archives

The Herland Archives are a collection of various newsletters and newspapers that were once received by the Herland Sister Resources, a local womanist organization who donated their collections to the UCO Women's Research Center and BGLTQ+ Student Center in 2016. Students working in The Center have been diligently scanning these materials and are partnering with the library to make them available on SHAREOK.

Phase Task Status
Phase 1 Scan images of materials Complete
Phase 2 Edit and prepare images for public view In progress
Phase 3 Put content online In progress

Pre-2008 Graduate Theses

Chambers Library takes pride in its efforts to preserve the intellectual output of the university, which includes graduate theses. Presently, theses published in 2008 and after are available online in SHAREOK and in ProQuest Dissertations & Theses (UCO login required). 2007 and prior years are only available in physical copies; thus, we are starting a theses digitization project for any theses published before 2008 and is not available online.

UCO alumni interested in receiving a digital copy of their thesis created before 2008 may submit a request for expedited digitization.

Phase Task Status
Phase 1 Disbind duplicate copies of theses pre-2008 In progress
Phase 2 Scan and prepare digital copies for public view Not started
Phase 3 Upload content to SHAREOK Not started
Phase 4 Submit content to ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Not started