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Library Digital Initiatives


Distribution License

When you upload your work to a UCO digital repository, you retain your copyright (unless you have transferred it to someone else), so UCO Chambers Library requires you to grant us a license to use your copyrighted work. If the work has been previously published and copyright was transferred to the publisher, please check your author rights with each publisher for information on uploading to an institutional repository. In the case of co-authors, all authors must sign the release for inclusion in a UCO digital repository.

To properly administer the UCO digital repositories and preserve the contents for future use, UCO Chambers Library requires certain permissions from you, the author or the copyright owner:

  1. You agree that UCO Chambers Library may, without changing the content, translate the submission to any medium or format and keep more than one copy for the purposes of security, back up and preservation.
  2. You also agree that authorized readers of your work have the right to use it for non-commercial, academic purposes as defined by the "fair use" doctrine of U.S. copyright law, so long as all attributions and copyright statements are retained.
  3. You represent that the submission is your original work, and that you have the right to grant the rights contained in this agreement. You also represent to the best of your knowledge that your submission does not infringe upon anyone's copyright. You also represent and warrant that the submission contains no libelous or other unlawful matter and makes no improper invasion of the privacy of any other person.
  4. If the submission contains material for which you do not hold copyright and that exceeds fair use, you represent that you have obtained the unrestricted permission of the copyright owner to grant UCO Chambers Library the rights required by this agreement, and that such third-party owned material is clearly identified and acknowledged within the text or content of the submission.