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Equipment Available for Checkout

The equipment listed below is available at the Innovation Studio. To see more library equipment options, visit the Library Equipment page.

GoPro Camera

GoPro Hero 5 camera on stand

GoPro Hero5
Checkout for 3 days
May be used outside library
Hero5 Instruction Manual

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Laptop for Video Editing
Checkout for 4 hours
May only be used inside library

Software available: Adobe suite, Microsoft Office suite

GoPro 360 Camera

GoPro Max Camera

GoPro Max 360° Action Camera
Checkout for 3 days
May be taken outside the library
Max Instruction Manual

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Engineering Kit

Oscilloscope, multimeter, LCD module, wave generator, Arduino, test leads, probes

Checkout for 4 hours
May only be used inside library

GoPro Accessories

3 GoPro mounts packed in a box

Tripod, universal mount, and universal mount with flat base
Checkout for 3 days
May be taken outside the library

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