Special Education
Sometimes it is helpful to simply browse or search in the call number range for your specific area, to familiarize yourself with the titles. Consider:
BF712-724.85: Developmental psychology
LB1049.9-1050.75: Teaching of reading
LB1050.9-1091: Educational psychology
LB2801-3095: School administration and organization
LB3013-3013.25: Classroom management
LC3950-4806.5: Special education
LC3991-4000: Gifted education
LC4001-4806.5: Learning disabled children
P40-41: Sociolinguistics
P221.5: Acoustic phonetics
RA790-790.95: Mental health
RC423-429: Speech disorders
RC553.A88: Autism
RC569.7-571: Mental retardation. Developmental disabilities.
RF286-320: Audiology
P118: Language acquisition