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How to not plagiarize

Here are some tips to help you avoid plagiarism:

  • Start your research early (ask for librarian help to find reliable sources)
  • Learn how to paraphrase (see here for details)
  • Don't copy and paste from other sources
  • Cite while you write, don't wait!
  • Use Turnitin Draft Coach (see Writing Help)
  • Ask the BELL or a librarian to help check your references 


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Christine Edwards
Max Chambers Library
Office 115C
(405) 974-5199

Examples of plagiarism:

Intentional plagiarism


  • Copying a friend’s work
  • Buying or borrowing papers    
  • Cutting and pasting blocks of text from electronic sources without documenting
  • Media “borrowing”without documentation
  • Web publishing without permissions of creators
  • Translation (translating a chapter from another language and publishing it as an article)

Unintentional plagiarism


  • Careless paraphrasing
  • Poor documentation
  • Quoting excessively
  • Failure to use your own “voice”

Self Plagiarism

Self Plagiarism

  • Republishing an article
  • Reusing a paper written for another class
  • Research misconduct occurs when researchers fabricate data, falsify results, or fail to properly attribute information used in articles, reports, or studies