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Broncho Blueprint

Reserve A Study Room

Group Study Rooms on the 2nd and 3rd floors are available to reserve:

  1. Reservations can be made up to one week in advance.
  2. Two hour maximum per reservation.
  3. Only one study room reservation can be made at a time.
  4. The minimum for a reservation is 3 people, and please note the maximum capacity:
    • - Room 201A holds 6 people
    • - Rooms 202-204 hold 4 people
    • - Rooms 318-322 hold 5 people

You may schedule online, by calling (405) 974-5159, or by using the self-service kiosks beside the rooms. For more information, see the Study Room Policy.

Schedule Online Here

Print & Copy Services

Each semester, students will receive $5 in free prints and will need to deposit money on their Papercut account for further printing.

You can deposit money online via credit card to your Papercut account. Money deposited online can take up to 24 hours to be reflected on your Papercut account at If you need immediate credit please visit the Information desk on the first floor. You may use cash, check, or card (MasterCard and Visa) to purchase prints and copies at the Information desk. The library does not issue refunds.

Prices (per page)

Paper Size Black & White  Color
Letter (8.5x11) or Legal (8.5x14) 50¢
Double-sided Letter (8.5x11) or Legal (8.5x14) 10¢ $1.00
Ledger/Tabloid (11x17) 10¢ $1.00
Double-sided Ledger/Tabloid (11x17) 20¢ $2.00

Textbooks For Checkout

Textbooks on Reserve

Some course textbooks are available on reserve at the library.

Reserve materials are located at the Information desk and check out with your UCO ID. Most items checkout for only 3 hours for use in the library only. This is to ensure that the largest number of students can share the textbooks or other materials. You may copy a limited number of pages (in compliance with copyright law) or use the textbook inside the library as often you want.

It is easiest to find out if the library has your textbook if you know the title. Search for it in the catalog. You can also search by subject. For help, visit the Information desk, call (405) 974-3361, or chat with us.

Because of the higher demand, the fines for reserve materials are higher.

  • For 3-hour reserves, the fine for overdue materials is $1.00 per minute.
  • For 3-day reserves, the fine for overdue materials is $20.00 per day.

If an item is not returned, you will also be charged the replacement cost.

Textbooks are purchased with a limited amount of funds, or donated. We prioritize purchases for 1000-level and 2000-level classes, for which most or all professors use the same edition and title. If we do not have your textbook, consider donating yours when you are finished with it – future students will thank you!

InterLibrary Loan (ILL)

When you need a book or an article that Chambers Library doesn't own, Interlibrary Loan (ILL) can usually borrow it for you from another library. It's almost always a free service to you!

Allow 7-10 days for ILL items to arrive. Some electronic materials may arrive much quicker.

Library Express is an ILL service that allows faculty, staff, and distance students to request delivery of ILL or library-owned items. Physical items will be delivered to faculty/staff offices and mailed to E-Learner home addresses. To request Library Express services, login to ILL and choose "Bring/deliver library-owned books, etc. to me" in the menu on the left.

Article Delivery is a service in which anyone can request library-owned articles to be scanned and delivered electronically. To request Article Delivery services, login to ILL and choose "E-deliver library-owned articles" in the menu on the left.

You may keep printouts of electronic articles, but books must be returned promptly on the due date. All patrons will be charged $1.00 per day with a maximum of $30.00 fine for each overdue ILL book. Some ILL lenders allow renewals of books. You may renew them online through your ILL account.

Questions? Contact the Interlibrary Loan department by submitting the ILL Question form, emailing, or calling 974-2876.