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UCO History

Oral History Project

The UCO Oral History project was conceived in the late 1980s by then university archivist Mary Bond. During her tenure as archivist, Mrs. Bond collected over 60 interviews with UCO alumni, students, administrators, faculty, and staff, as well as prominent Edmond citizens.

In 2001 the project was expanded by the History and Geography Department under the leadership of Dr. Patricia Loughlin. The oral interviews that were collected under Dr. Loughlin's direction were part of a larger UCO history project that included the publication of a book updating the history of the University. It was published during Oklahoma's Centennial year with the title Building Traditions, Education Generations: A History of the University of Central Oklahoma.

The oral interviews collected as part of this project were an effort to support the book. Taken individually, these interviews reflect the careers and interest of the interviewees; viewed collectively, they constitute a narrative of the development of the University over time. As such, they form an invaluable part of the historical record of the University. Today we continue to collect these valuable histories. If you would like to participate, please follow the directions below.

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How To Participate

You do not need to answer every question. Complete the form to the extent you feel comfortable. Soon after we receive your Pre-Interview Survey, a member of our staff will contact you to set up a convenient interview date.

Option 1: Complete Pre-Interview Survey Online

You will select your relationship to UCO (Community Member, UCO Alumni, or UCO Faculty/Staff) and complete questions accordingly.

Online Pre-Interview Survey

Option 2: Download, Print, and Complete Pre-Interview Survey on Paper

Select the form that best fits your relationship to UCO:

If you would prefer we send you a copy of the pre-interview survey through the mail please email us or call us at 405-974-3874.

Mail paper pre-interview surveys to:
University of Central Oklahoma
Archives & Special Collections
Max Chambers Library Rm. 215
100 N. University Dr. Box 192
Edmond, OK 73034