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APA Style for Legal Citations

APA Citation Power Point

APA Style

What is American Psychological Association (APA) style?

APA guidelines were developed to standardize scientific publishing.  APA style designates

  • proper citation of your sources, both within the text of your paper and in t he list of references at the end of your paper.
  • The format of your paper, including the header, margins, type font, and pagination.
  • Stylistic elements of your paper.

What are citations and references?

As you gather information to learn and write about your topic, you may consult a wide variety of materials including books, articles, and web resources. You must credit these sources as you incorporate these ideas into your paper. Crediting the sources is key to avoiding plagiarism. In APA style, there are two ways you must credit your sources:

  • In the text of your paper when a source is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized (in text citations)
  • In an alphabetical list at the end of the paper (references).

These two library guides are really helpful

APA Help