Book with an Author:
Last name AA. Title of Work. Publisher; date.
Mash EJ, Barkley RA. Treatment of Childhood Disorders. Guilford Press; 2006.
Williams C, Wragg C. Data Analysis and Research for Sport and Exercise Science: A Student Guide. Taylor & Francis Group; 2003. Accessed September 23, 2024.
Book with an Editor and edition:
Last name AA, editor. Title of Work. edition. Publisher; date.
Mash EJ, Armitage JO, eds. Rethinking Global Health: A Fresh Perspective. 4th ed. Routledge; 2019.
Book chapter:
Haybron DM. Philosophy and the science of subjective well-being. In: Eid, MJ, Larsen, RJ, eds. The Science of Wellbeing. Springer; 2016:17–43.
Weinstock R, Leong GB, Silva JA. Defining forensic psychiatry: Roles and responsibilities. In: Rosner, R, ed. Principles and Practice of Forensic Psychiatry. 2nd ed. CRC Press; 2003. Accessed July 12, 2024.
Government Document:
National Institute of Mental Health. Clinical training in serious mental illness. DHHS publication; no (ADM) 90-1679. The Institute; 1990.
Journal Article
Last name AA. Title of article. Abbreviated Journal Title. Year;volume(Issue#):PP-PP. doi:10.1023....
Herbst-Damm KL, Kulik JA. Volunteer support, marital status, and the survival times of terminally ill patients. Nat Med. 2005; 24(1):225-235. doi:10.1037/0278-6133.24.225.
Author(s) (or name of group responsible for the site). Title of page. Name of Website. Year. Date updated. Date Accessed. URL.
Kingston J. Smelling salts: Use in sports. Updated December 12, 2013. Accessed July 24, 2024.