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Christine Edwards
Max Chambers Library
Office 115C
(405) 974-5199

This section of the guide is to help you locate plays outside the classical canon. It provides information about diverse playwrights as well as links to plays about specific topics or that include specific character roles.

We welcome input into this part of the guide to help identify more resources. Please use the form on the left of any page in this section to let us know if:

  • There is a topic or people group that you would like to see represented;
  • You know of a playwright or play to add to one of our lists; or
  • You think a play or playwright may be mistakenly in a category to which they do not belong.

Please contact the librarian if you have any questions or recommend scripts below that could be added to further diversify our collection.

Recommend a playscript

Have a playscript you would like to see added to the collection? Recommend it here!

(Please check the catalog to make sure we do not already own it before making a recommendation)