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Common Resources are published works that can be found in many places, in contrast with the our unique collections that can be found only in the Special Collections, or have rare holdings elsewhere.
A core collection of Oklahoma history resources that provides state, county, city and family histories, biographies, geological and archaeological reports, and an impressive assortment of works on various Indian tribes and the development of education in Oklahoma.
Early newspapers for towns in Oklahoma Territory
Over 109 newspapers are represented in this collection.
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps, 1867-1970 (21 reels)
Created originally for the fire insurance industry for risk assessment purposes, Sanborn maps have long been renowned for their detailed and comprehensive coverage of U.S. towns and cities. By the mid-1950's, more than 12,000 had been mapped. Included in this collection are maps illustrating the locations of schools, churches, business, and other structures in Oklahoma towns.
Indian Pioneer History Collection, Late 1930s (40 reels)
Contained in these reels of microfilm are the recorded memories of Indians and pioneers focusing on pre and early statehood days in Oklahoma. These are oral histories were collected by the WPA during the depression.
Letters Received by the Office of the Adjutant General, 1870-1889 (33 reels)
This collection contains correspondence relating to attempted removal of cattlemen from Indian Territory and problems related to the opening of Oklahoma to public settlement.
Returns From U.S. Military Posts 1800-1916 (26 reels mm)
Included in these records are personnel roster reports, and other papers relating to the operation of military posts in Oklahoma. An index guide booklet is available for searching these records.
Census Population Schedule of the U.S., 1860 (1 reel)
This is the 8th census taken by the U.S. It includes Arkansas and parts of eastern Oklahoma, Indian Territory.
First Territorial Census, 1890 (1 reel)
This microfilm contains the 1248 pages of the first census taken in Oklahoma, covering seven counties in Oklahoma and Indian Territory.
Federal Population Census of Oklahoma, 1900 (54 reels)
This is the 12th census taken and includes all of Oklahoma Territory. The full index is included among these reels.
Federal Population Census of Oklahoma, 1910 (179 reels)
This is the 13th census, the first census taken after statehood and includes all of Oklahoma. The full index is included among these reels.
Federal Population census of Oklahoma, 1920 (192 reels)
This is the 14th Census taken and includes all of Oklahoma. The full index is included among these reels.
Dawes Rolls, 1900 (4 reels)
These are the final rolls of citizens & freeman of the so-called "Five Civilized Tribes" in Indian Territory. Also included is an index to the Dawes Rolls.
Book collections include the McConathy Collection, the Burchardt Collection, the Oklahoma Collections, the John George Collection, and the George Nigh Collection. The Archives and Special Collections also houses the libraries of several individuals whose personal papers are held here: John Simmons, William Edgar Gill, Reba Collins, Lucy Jeston Hampton, King/Howell, and Joe Jackson.
Periodicals in Archives contain newspapers, journals, newsletters, magazines, and other periodical literature of historical and research value.
The obituary project was created for the purpose of providing an index to death notices, obituaries, and related biographical articles. Indexing includes all Edmond newspapers dating from July 1889 to within six month of current date. These newspapers are shelved under Oklahoma Reels on the fourth floor of the library.
Bensel Directory Company's Business Directory (1 reel)
This business directory includes cities and towns on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, and Chicago Rock Island & Pacific Railways.
Blacks In Oklahoma, 1889-1890 (23 sheets)
Written by John Worrack in the 1880s, this self-imposed study provides a history of African-Americans in the first years of Oklahoma's opening.
Camp Guthrie Records, 1889-1891 (2 reels)
Established to maintain order in Indian Territory, Camp Guthrie existed for only 2 years and was also known as Camp Arthur or Camp MacArthur, after commanding officer Captain Arthur MacArthur.
Cartographic Records, 1821-1921
These records contain over 200 negatives of Oklahoma boundaries, routes, and sites spanning 100 years.
Indian Territory Letters, 1879 (1 reel mm)
This reel contains letters, telegrams, and reports concerning army reinforcement of the 1879 proclamation by President Hayes forbidding emigrant trespassing in Indian Territory.
Interior Department Territorial Papers, 1889 (5 reels)
Contained in this collection are letters relating to the opening of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Strip and the Cherokee Outlet between 1889-1894.
Kay County Honor Roll and Service Record for WWI (1 volume)
This collection contains the photos and service records for members of the military service from Kay County, Oklahoma, during World War I.
Letters Received Fort Supply, 1869-1889 (1 reel)
Included in these records are letters received by the Department of Interior concerning various matters relating to the Indian Affairs in Indian territory including felonious activities.
Oklahoma Tract Books Index, 1889 (12 volumes)
These volumes track the acquisition of land during the land runs in Oklahoma. Actual claim files give homesteaders' names.
Rogers Vertical Files, 1900's (24 linear ft.)
This is a vertical file compiled by Jimmie Rogers, retired UCO Professor of Geography. Included in this collection are news clippings, maps, periodicals, pamphlets and statistics focusing on the geography of Oklahoma.
U.S. Army Military records, 1874-1875 (1 reel)
These records contain letters concerning the Army's attempts to have the Department of Interior grant approval to invade Kiowa, Cheyenne, and Comanche lands in Indian Territory.
Chambers Library
Corner of Ayers St. & University Dr.
Edmond, OK
The University of Central Oklahoma recognizes the university's main campus is located on the traditional lands of the Caddo and Wichita people.
View the full Land Acknowledgement.