Here to help!
Information Desk - Receive help using the library and checkout materials including computer equipment, chargers, cameras, and more. Map
Innovation Studio - work with 3D printers, virtual reality, large format printer, recording studio with green screen, and more. Map
Copiers/Printers (color and black & white) along with a book scanner. Map
Spacious PC and Mac computer stations (including an ADA accessible station and Bloomberg business terminal). Map
A naturally lit seating and study space along the East windows with vending machines and lockers. Map
A study and meeting space with a variety of seating for individuals or groups. Map
Reference books to use in the library. Map
Read current issues of journals, magazines, and newspapers in the seating under the atrium stairs. Map
Newly arrived books to check out that includes juvenile and pleasure reading from the Ruby Canton Collection. Map
Store your belongings safely with free lockers in the Bronze & Blue Corner Map
Purchase food and beverages from vending machines located in the Bronze & Blue Corner. Map
Nineteen artworks that survived the 1995 bombing of the Murrah Federal Building are exhibited. Murrah Federal Building Artworks Tour
Purchase food, beverages, and essentials at the convenience store in the East entrance atrium. Map
UCO Service Desk - Provides 24/7 assistance with services provided by the Office of Information Technology. Map
Charge devices in a secure kiosk Map
First Floor Second Floor Third Floor Fourth Floor