WorldCat searches the catalog records of libraries across the globe. Records include many formats: books, serial titles, DVDs, CDs, conference proceedings, and maps.
Includes the Web of Science Core Collection (which includes Science, Social Science, and Arts & Humanities citation index); SciELO Citation Index (international journals); MEDLINE; and Biological Abstracts.
UpToDate is the most widely used clinical decision support solution in the world. UpToDate’s evidence based content is comprised of more than 10,500 clinical topics across 24 specialties. A team of physician authors and editors continuously review more than 470 medical journals to ensure that the content is current and fully referenced. Also included in UpToDate is access to 5,400 unique drug entries, a drug interaction tool, 28,000 graphics, and 160 commonly used medical calculators.
eLS includes peer-reviewed articles spanning the life sciences from cell biology to ecology with high-quality illustrations, article glossaries, and a list of further reading. UCO has access to content published in 2014 and before.
Covers topics related to traumatic stress worldwide, including mental health issues, assessment, prevention, treatment, professional ethics, public policy, and traumatized populations.