Dear Deans, Chairs, and Faculty Library Liaisons, 

Welcome back from the break, and happy spring semester!

A couple of reminders:

  • Don’t forget to sign your classes up for library instruction!
  • Let me know if you have new faculty joining your team this semester. I’m happy to meet with them to discuss all the library offers.

Faculty Support

Don’t have time to make it to the library? Library Express brings the library to your door or inbox! Just find what you want from Central Search and then fill out the form to have materials delivered to you. If you haven’t registered with ILLiad before, you’ll need to fill out your contact information the first time. We also pick up library items to be returned from your office. Deliveries are made each weekday after 2pm.

Stress Paws

Stress Paws returns to the library on Thursday, January 30th at 3pm in a new location! Therapy dogs will be on the first floor to better accommodate the dogs and to be more visible to participants.

Spring Workshops

Library instruction workshops that are open to everyone begin next week! These upcoming sessions are in person and online at 10am and 5pm. Information is available on the Library Events page.

  • Back to Basics – Jan 21
  • How to Avoid Plagiarism – Jan 22
  • APA Style – Feb 4

Spring Ordering Deadline 

The deadline to submit collection materials orders to your liaison librarian is March 14th. Here's what's been ordered what’s been ordered so far this fiscal year, and your budget balances are here.

New Year, New Meals

Did you get a pressure cooker or an air fryer over the holidays? So far, we’ve tried tater tots, chicken fried steak, and hash browns in our air fryer (not the healthiest of choices, I know!). I’m looking forward to trying out air fryer salmon and sweet potato fries. I’m also enjoying the “I Love My Instant Pot” series of cookbooks available from the public library or Amazon. There’s one for soups and stews, which has been great for some of these cold days! 



Risa Jensen-Jones
Director of Research and User Engagement
Max Chambers Library
University of Central Oklahoma