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Citing Business Resources in APA

APA Style Guide: 

Business citations can be difficult.  There is often not clear direction from the APA manual for reports and data found in the business databases.  Here are a few examples of reports and data sets you migh come across.  If you need any help, or have any question, ask a librarian.

Basic journal articles from online databases

Losfstock, J. (2006). What's selling: A view from the customers. Convenience Store Decisions, 17(9), 30-39. Retrieved from

In text citation: (Losfstock, 2006)

Reports or information found in Mergent, PrivCo, Mintel, or other buisness databases - If there is no author, list the database as the author.

Mergent. (n.d.). Brinker International, Inc. (NYS: EAT). Retrieved from Mergent Online Database.

In text citation: (Mergent, n.d.)