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Gonzo:  The Life and Work of Hunter S. Thompson

an Alex Gibney Film


Hunter S. Thompson was a giant of the written word. Fueled by craziness and various substances, and never afraid to rock the boat, Thompson's journalism and political insight proved invaluable as he recorded the happenings of the United States from turbulent 1960s through the cynical political times of the beginnings of the George W. Bush presidency. He began his life as an outsider in Louisville, KY, lived his life as a voice against corruption, and died on his terms in 2005.

Gonzo gets to the essence of Hunter S. Thompson. Directed by Alex Gibney (Taxi to the Dark Side, Who Killed the Electric Car?), the life of Thompson is told through narrator Johnny Depp as well as interviews with family members, friends, politicians, and excellent use of Thompson's work and footage. You learn how Thompson developed his writing style and the birth of Gonzo Journalism, but you also go through the history of the United States Civil Rights movement and political journey through 2005 with an excellent soundtrack. After watching this documentary, I was left with a renewed interest to re-read his work and sadness that his wit and observations are sorely missed in today's political climate. ~ Dana Jackson-Hardwick

Review Date

Reviewed November 2012