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Reviewer Christine Edwards

Christina Edwards is a Research & Learning Librarian at the University of Central Oklahoma.



Love is a Mix Tape

      Rob Sheffield

“Some of us are born Gladys Knights and some of us are born Pips.”     

Contributing Rolling Stone editor Rob Sheffield tells the story of how lucky he was to play Pip to a “real Gladys girl” in this humorous and heartbreaking book. Connecting each chapter of the book to a chapter of life with  accompanying mix-tape soundtracks gives this book a unique format and, if you care to look them up, an interactive component by listening to the music mentioned while reading the story.     Sheffield’s memoir celebrates music and love and leaves you feeling as though you may have even been a part of it. After all, whether it was a mix-tape, a CD mix, or an iPod playlist, we can all relate to how music connects emotions to the memories and  moments of our lives. Reviewed November 2014