Dear Deans, Chairs, and Faculty Library Liaisons,
Welcome to the Star Wars Day edition of Chambers Chat! Today we're diving into library resources for D2L, interlibrary loan logins, book donations, and library research help:
APA Style Tutorial for D2L
One of our outstanding research librarians, Jean Longo, has worked with CeCE to develop an APA Style Tutorial for D2L including videos and more that can be easily uploaded into your D2L courses. Thanks to the very helpful Nick Poss from CeCE, that tutorial is now available as a zipped D2L Brightspace Package file (please click here for video instructions on uploading the file into D2L). Stay tuned to this channel for future D2L tutorials that could be helpful in your courses, and please don’t forget that you can also embed a librarian in your D2L courses (instructions are attached below) to provide your students with direct access to research help. (Our thanks to all the faculty who are already using embedded librarians!).
Interlibrary Loan Login
In order to make it easier for you to use our interlibrary loan (ILL) services (and also to comply with new federal rules), we are moving to a system where you can use your UCO username and password to login to the ILL system instead of having to use a different username and password. Before we make that change on May 15, though, we wanted to let you know that if your current ILL login does not use your UCO username, you might be asked to create a new account using your information. Please rest assured that if that happens, we will merge your new account with your old one so that you will have ALL the information about what you've ordered through ILL in the past. On top of that, we’ll even deliver your library materials to your office for free if you can say “interlibrary loan login” three times really fast (yes, we already deliver materials for free to faculty and staff, but feel free to try anyway).
Cleaning Out Your Office?
If you’re retiring, changing offices, or have been inspired to spring clean your office, please remember that the Chambers Library would be very happy to come pick up any books you’d like to donate (we’ll even bring boxes and pack them for you). Book donations are tax deductible, and we can provide a list of titles donated for your tax records.
Helping Students Use Information Effectively & Ethically
To help students develop the skills they need to locate, evaluate, and use information effectively and ethically, our research librarians visit classes at the instructor’s invitation to show students how to search for and evaluate articles, books and more. The librarians also create online research guides for selected classes as well as for more general topics (for examples, see the guides for Psychology; Educational Sciences, Foundations, & Research 5013; English 1213; and Plagiarism). If you’d like to request library instruction or an online research guide (or both) for your summer or fall classes, our librarians would be happy to tailor the information presented to your course or a specific assignment.
Restaurant Recommendation
Having grown up in Brazil, I was going to recommend Café do Brasil this week, but I very much regret to inform you that it closed its doors last Friday (please excuse me while I mourn briefly). Instead, I’m going to go with Hunnybunny Biscuit Co. in OKC and Edmond. Their biscuit sandwiches and chicken pot pie are pretty great, and their French toast biscuit and/or definitely-non-store-bought jams (with or without a biscuit) are lovely for dessert (or really any time at all).
May the Fourth be with you!
Lee Anne
Lee Anne H. Paris, PhD
Director of Research & User Engagement
Max Chambers Library
E: | O: 405-974-2880